ACFAA Groups
Promoting Community & Well-being in Eymet and surrounding communes
Afternoon Drop-In
Join Glenys Morgan-Curtis fortnightly on Wednesdays between 14h00 and 16h00 at the Café de Paris in Eymet
Art for Pleasure
The Art for Pleasure group meets on Monday at 13h45 until 15h45 at the Centre de Loisirs in Eymet
Join Sheila and Ron for a ride through the beautiful countryside around Eymet, stopping for lunch at a nearby restaurant
Line Dancing
Line Dancing is held on Wednesday mornings from 9h00 to 12h00 at the Salle des fêtes near the Mairie in Agnac
ACFAA photography group meets Tuesday evenings at the Bibliothèque in Eymet 19h30 until 21h30
Poetry Circle
Meeting at the Centre de Loisirs - La Ruche, Eymet once a month on a Monday afternoon at 13h45 until 15h45
Relaxation, Wellness & Meditation
These sessions take place every Thursday morning at 11h30 in Eymet
Singing for Pleasure
The group meets at the La Gare, Eymet on Thursday afternoons between 13h45 and 15h30