Learn French

We offer a wide variety of French language courses ranging from Absolute Beginners through to Advanced level classes.

Enrolment 5th September; Classes begin 10th September French classes are held in the Centre de Loisirs, Route de Bretou, 24500 Eymet on Tuesdays during the academic terms (subject to availability of places).

You must be a member of ACFAA to join our language courses.

For more information contact the Language Courses TeamInformation for Students and Conditions of Enrolment
Timetable of classes 2024/25

Term Times

Language courses are held in 5 blocks of 6 weeks, commencing in September and finishing in June. These term dates fit around the French academic year as specified for Zone A of France, which includes the Dordogne.

10 September 2024 to 15  October 2024

5 November 2024 to 10 December 2024

14 January 2025 to 18 February 2025

11 March 2025 to 15 April 2025

6 May 2025 – 10 June 2025


Discover our French Classes

Absolute Beginners French (FR01)

Time: 09.15 – 10.15 or 11.45 – 12.45
Tutors: Nicola Lack or Marie Tailford

If you can manage to say hello, goodbye and thank you, and have a small range of useful vocabulary (bierre, vin blanc, vin rouge, fromage etc.), but are unable to do much more than simply use the words on their own, ie. not in a sentence, then this is the level for you!

This course will focus on the following topics, and will include some very basic grammatical structures.

  • Everyday greetings and manners
  • Using the alphabet and numbers to give/receive information
  • Introducing yourself and others
  • Simple descriptions of people and places
  • Giving personal information
  • The body
  • Days and months of the year, and dates
  • Telling the time
  • Talking about the weather
  • Christmas traditions
  • Ordering food and drink, booking tables etc
  • Going shopping
  • Needing medical assistance and making appointments
  • Asking for and giving directions
  • French customs
  • Making travel arrangements and bookings

If you feel that you can already converse at a basic level with most or all of the topics above, you may want to consider enrolling on the next level course, Beginners Improvers (Course Ref FR02), which will allow you to build on your existing ability and develop your command of the language.


This course has been designed for people who are Absolute Beginners, and have little or no knowledge of French. It is written in such a way that from week 1, you will have the skills to use the language (even if it’s only saying Bonjour and Au Revoir at the beginning!).

The course runs for 30 one-hour sessions. The course will start with some basic topics, such as everyday greetings, giving personal information, the time and weather, going to the doctor/hospital, going shopping etc. Lessons are devised to give you the basic stepping stones on which this course and the following course will build, and will give you the confidence to use French in everyday situations.

It is important to remember that 30 hours is not enough for you to acquire the language, so it is vital that as you learn new vocabulary and phrases, you make an effort to use what you have learnt as much as possible in your daily life and in a range of different situations. Of course, you will make mistakes, but this is perfectly natural and you should try not to let this put you off. Practice really does make perfect!!

Later on in the year (possibly end of term 1, beginning of term 2), a book will be introduced to support your learning, and it is necessary that you purchase a copy. At the time of writing (August 2022) , it can be sourced through Amazon or Eymet Tabac for around 10€. As well as written exercises, each chapter contains listening exercises that are very good practice, as you can listen to them over and over again. The book is detailed below:

  • En Contexte – Exercises de Vocabulaire A1 (ISBN 978-2-01-401642-0)

PLEASE NOTE: This book also forms part of the next course – Beginners Improvers (FR02) and as well as being used in class, it will also support your own self-study between lessons.

In addition to this book, and in the same series and at the same level (A1), there is an accompanying book called Exercises de Grammaire. Whilst this is not necessary at this stage, it does complement the ‘Vocabulaire’ book and uses the same format, (i.e. written exercises and listening exercises) that will support your learning, and it’s around the same cost, i.e. 10€. Perhaps the purchase of this book is something you might want to consider later on in the course. Details are below:

  • En Contexte – Exercises de Grammaire A1 (ISBN 978-2-01-401632-1)

The listening exercises for both books are easy to access on line, therefore, no need for a CD player!

If you wish to see copies of these books before committing to purchase, please ask the course tutor, who will be more than happy to show them to you and discuss them.

Beginners Improvers French (FR02)

Time: 10.30 – 11.30 or 14.00 – 15.00
Tutors: Nicola Lack or John Barr/Mark Friston

This course will be based around the book ‘Exercices de Vocabulaire’ (A1). It is most suitable for those who have already undertaken a Beginners Course (or have already acquired the language to take part in basic dialogues), and who wish to revise and consolidate their learning so far, and to build on this. Purchase of the book prior to starting the course is necessary if you haven’t already got it.

The course will assume a basic knowledge of everyday vocabulary, which will be extended throughout the year as the course progresses. Simple grammar to enable students to build sentences will also be included.

  • Revision of greetings, alphabet and numbers
  • Identity – relevant dates, address, telephone numbers
  • Time/times of day/arranging to meet
  • Family: family members and relationships
  • Daily routines
  • Leisure activities
  • The body/what I can do/physical appearance
  • Health: visiting the doctor or dentist
  • Where I live: houses and homes
  • Around the town: directions
  • Food and drink; eating out
  • Shops and shopping
  • Money and banking
  • Computers, phones and technology
  • Nature and weather
  • Holidays and travel
  • Work and occupations

If you feel that you already have a range of vocabulary in all (or most) of the topics above, and can take part in short and simple verbal exchanges, you may want to consider enrolling on the next level course, Progressive Beginners (FR03) which will allow you to build on what you already know and further develop your usage of the language in a more confident manner.


This programme has been designed for people who have already completed the Absolute Beginners course, and/or people who have a range of vocabulary and simple sentences, and will focus on using it more confidently in everyday situations.

The course runs for 30 one-hour sessions. The course will cover everyday topics, such as greetings, giving personal information, the time and weather, going to the doctor/hospital, going shopping etc. Lessons are devised to give you the basic stepping stones on which this course and the following course will build, and will give you the confidence to use French in many everyday situations.

It is important to remember that 30 hours is not enough for you to significantly improve your French language ability, so it is vital that as you learn new vocabulary and phrases, you make an effort to use what you have learnt as much as possible in your daily life, and in a range of different situations. Of course, you will make mistakes, but this is perfectly natural and you should try not to let this put you off. Practice really does make perfect!!

From the start, you will be using a textbook to support your learning. For those of you coming from the Absolute Beginners Group, you will already have a copy of this book. For anyone joining at this level it is necessary for you to purchase a copy. As well as being used within some lessons, it will provide you with a means to self-study in between sessions. At the time of writing, it can be sourced through Amazon or Eymet Tabac for around 10€. As well as written exercises, each chapter contains listening exercises (online) that are very good practice, as you can listen to them over and over again. The book is detailed below:

  • En Contexte – Exercises de Vocabulaire A1 (ISBN 978-2-01-401642-0)


In addition to this book, and in the same series and at the same level (A1), there is an accompanying book called Exercises de Grammaire. Whilst this book is not necessary, it does complement the ‘Vocabulaire’ book and uses the same format, (ie. written exercises and listening exercises) that will support your learning, and it’s around the same cost, ie. 10€. Perhaps the purchase of this book is something you might want to consider later on in the course. Details are below:

  • En Contexte – Exercises de Grammaire A1 (ISBN 978-2-01-401632-1)

If you wish to see copies of these books before committing to purchase, please ask the course tutor, who will be more than happy to show them to you and discuss them.

Progressive Beginners French (FR03)

Times: 09.15 – 10.15 or 14.15 – 15.15
Tutors: Paul Brown or Caroline MacSweeney

This course will allow you to build on your existing ability.

Following a similar range of topics to the Absolute Beginners and Improvers Courses, it will enable you to communicate more effectively in everyday life.

You will be able to talk about the past, present and future in simple discussions.

You will further develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

You will learn how to identify and use a range of more complex grammatical structures, ie. different tenses, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs etc.

  • Introducing yourself and others
  • Descriptions of people and places
  • Giving personal information
  • Describing people and places in more detail
  • Using days, months and dates in different situations
  • Telling the time
  • Talking about the weather
  • Christmas traditions
  • Ordering food and drink, booking tables etc.
  • Going shopping
  • Needing medical assistance and making appointments
  • Asking for and giving directions, talking about places
  • French customs
  • Making travel arrangements and bookings


This course follows on from the ACFAA Absolute Beginners Course (FR01) and the Beginners Improvers Course (FR02). Maybe you remember some French from your schooldays, or you have simply acquired some useful and usable French in your everyday life, and can ‘get-by’ in some situations. If so, this is probably the course for you.

If you can converse in French to make medical appointments, book restaurants, greet people in the street, and take part in basic dialogues, this course will help you to further develop your skills and fluency, and of course, your confidence.

The course runs for 30 one-hour sessions. The course will cover many of the topics used in everyday life, and will extend your vocabulary. It will include some grammar, and will allow you to communicate in a range of different tenses, ie. the past, present and future. You will also start to use and develop some of the many phrases (hundreds, probably) that are a natural part of this language.

It is important to remember that 30 hours is not enough for you to make huge advances in your ability to communicate more effectively, so it is vital that as you learn new vocabulary, phrases and grammatical structures, you make an effort to put what you have learnt into practice in your daily life and in a range of different situations. Of course, you will make mistakes, but this is perfectly natural and you should try not to let this put you off. Practice really does make perfect!!

This course will follow a textbook, which is widely available on Amazon, or can be ordered through the Tabac in Eymet square.

  • Communication Progressive du Français (Débutant) ISBN 978-209-038445-1

This book contains many short dialogues that will be used in the weekly classes, and audio files of these dialogues are contained on a CD that is included with the book. At the time of writing (August 2022), the book will cost around 24€ for a new copy, but used copies are often available on Amazon.

If you wish to see a copy of this book before committing to purchase, please ask the course tutor or ACFAA representative.

Lower Intermediate French (FR04)

Time: 12.45 – 13.45
Tutor: Alex Giraudel

This is the course for you if you can already take part in everyday conversations in a variety of situations and with some confidence, using a range of simple vocabulary and grammatical structures. However, if you still need to revert to English or ‘Franglais’ on a regular basis, then this level is right for you.

The focus of this course will be:

  • Communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency in order to converse with a native speaker.
  • Express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects including current affairs, communicating your ideas/beliefs and listening to and discussing those of others.

If you feel that you already have a good command of the French language in these areas, take a look at our Intermediate Conversation (Course Ref FR05).


A text book will be introduced at some point during this course. This book is available on Amazon (new and possibly second-hand) or it may be possible to order it from the Tabac in Eymet. Details are:

  • Communication Progressive du Français ) Intermédiaire – ISBN 978 -209-038447-5

NB – this book will not be required at the start of the course, so you may wish to wait. You will be given sufficient notice of when it is going to be introduced.

If you wish to see a copy of this book, ask your teacher.

Intermediate Conversational French (FR05)

Time: 15.45 – 16.45
Tutor: Monica Hajek

This course is aimed at developing your communication skills. You will already be reasonably competent in speaking, listening, reading and writing in a range of tenses and grammatical structures.

The focus of this course will be:

  • Develop your ability to take part in everyday situations
  • Develop your ability to respond more spontaneously and fluently in a range of familiar and unfamiliar situations
  • Take part in discussions/debates, explain viewpoints etc.
  • Developing your understanding of French in more complex situations on both concrete and abstract topics. This will involve working with a range of texts, such as newspaper and magazine articles, current affairs

If you feel that you already have a good command of the French language in these areas, take a look at our more specialised courses – such as Advanced Language (Course Ref FR06), Advanced Grammar (Course Ref FR07) or Language through Culture and Literature (FR08)

Advanced Language (FR06)

Time: 15.00 – 16.30
Tutor: Joëlle Jeffrey

Students in the Advanced Level Class already have a good grasp of the french language both in speaking and understanding it. The aim is therefore to encourage them to develop the confidence to use it orally.

This is achieved through discussions, talks and debates on the local events and news, as well as on the history and culture of France, even games are used to create fun as you learn.

Grammaire Intermédiaire & conversation (FR07)

Time: 10.30 – 12.30
Tutor: Danielle Guerard

The two-hour course is in two parts: one hour of grammar/conjugation, using the A2/B1 intermediate “grammaire progressive du français” textbook.

The second hour is usually led by the students, who give presentations on subjects of their choice, using photos, music, etc….

When there are no presentations planned, we work on the second part of the book, which is entitled “communicative activities”.

French life & Society (FR08)

Time: 13.00 – 14.00
Tutor: Charles Bethune

Over many centuries and drawing on many sources, the French people have created a unique culture which informs many aspects of French life and has influenced the rest of the world in many ways. Integral to this culture, and essential to understanding it, is the unique French language. This course will extend and enrich your grasp of the language by exploring a wide range of cultural activity in France, from antiquity up to the society we live in today.

What is the aim of the course?

There are three aims:

  1. For you to use and improve your skills in reading and speaking French.
  2. For you to learn more about the riches of French culture.
  3. For you to work with other learners and have some fun!
What does the course consist of?

For an hour each week, we study texts and images, listen to recordings, watch videos, and discuss the issues that they raise.

Can I join?

Yes, if you are a paid-up member of ACFAA and are able to read and converse in French at Level B1 or above.

What will it cost me?

10 euros in each of the first two terms, and the third term is free.

How do I join?

If you have not already enrolled through an existing course, you may join in person at the Open Evening on Thursday 5th September 2024.

When does the course begin?

At 13h00 on Tuesday 10th September 2024 and at the same time on every Tuesday of the school terms.

Where does it take place?

In the Centre de Loisirs, Route de Bretou, Eymet.

What do I need to bring?

Pen, pad, A4 binder, and a dictionary, either paper or digital.

How can I find out more?

Ask Charles Bethune, the course tutor, at

Additional Learning Resources

Conjuguemos Conjuguemos

Excellent exercises for practising verb conjugations and other areas of grammar.

Visit site


A little bit like Conjuguemos, but with a few other activities.

Visit site

Inner French with Hugo Cotton

Lots of podcasts that are free to listen to, with translations that you can follow as you listen, but you do need to create an account. In addition to the free stuff, there are at least two courses that you can enrol on, but these are not free.

Visit site

French with Alexa

Short, funny but informative videos on YouTube.

Visit site


Explains grammar ina straightforward manner, with some good examples.

Visit site


A way of testing (and tracking) your own ability.

Visit site

Le Fle pour les curieux

Lots of interesting guides, information and exercises.

Visit site

CEFR Levels

Common European Framework of Reference. A detailed website that fully explains the CEFR levels from A1 – C2. A useful site if you are unsure of your current level.

Visit site