Art for Pleasure
Leaders: Mary-Anne Boudreau & Linda Fenty
The art group get together every Monday afternoon from 13h45 until 15h45 during term time. The sessions are held at the Centre de Loisirs (La Ruche) Eymet.
The group is aimed at interested people with varying skills and abilities. Our aim is to enjoy art, but also to improve and learn new techniques from each other.
This year, we will have more space as we will be using two rooms. If you just want to create your own art in an informal space, but be with others, then we now have room for this.
If you wish to learn and share information on Art, then there are a number of the team who are willing to help you with your projects.
This year, we are also looking to host guest artists with various skills and techniques.
Blue Eymet Project
We were Inspired by an article in the Support All Artists (SAA) magazine of May 2023, where a UK Art club had set themselves a project of painting their version of ‘Sunflowers’ by Van Gogh. Rather than everyone doing their own version of the whole picture they split it up among them, showing a multitude of painting styles and mediums.
We then found, and received permission to use, a photograph of Central Eymet with the Blue flower streamers that originated from the Felibree in 2022. It was divided into 12 rectangles and shared between the interested Art Group members during the final classes in June 2023.
The final image was put together, framed and is now available on show at ACFAA events and occasionally at the Centre de Loisirs during lessons on Monday & Tuesdays.