Lots of buzz around ACFAA
Open Evening
Hundreds of people from around our region turned up at La Gare in Eymet on 5th September for the annual ACFAA Open Evening. Our 18 interest groups, represented by their leaders and volunteers, shared information on what’s ahead for the coming year.
This is a key event at the start of the annual ACFAA calendar for people to join up or renew their membership and to explore new interests provided through our regular groups and special events.
Claire Riley, ACFAA President, said: “It was wonderful evening and great to see so many familiar – and new – faces. ACFAA brings together people of Anglo and French origin but also of many other nationalities and I’m hugely grateful to the many people who make our growing number of activities and language courses possible. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to a busy and active year.”
Forum des Associations
The Open Evening followed on from a wider ‘Forum des Associations’ event held in Eymet on 1st September of which ACFAA was one of around 35 groups in attendance. ACFAA’s stand was staffed by various committee members and helpers and saw high interest in joining our language classes. ACFAA’s ‘Agnac Crazy Stompers’ performed a mid-morning set of seven line dances.
Sally Blackman, who helps lead ACFAA’s Language courses, said: “It was great to take part in this event, an added reminder of how important social groups are in local communities.”
Published 09/09/2024
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